Thousands of greeting cards with a tacky touch
If you would like to send greetings to someone for any kind of event or holiday, 123Greetings allows you to do so. This is an application for Android that features hundreds of greeting cards sorted into categories and all kinds of content (GIF, animated card, or video) without forgetting that 90s look, cheesy and twee, that these kinds of cards should always have. Should we just forget about the typical birthday cards with music that we used to give our poor parents when we were kids? No, never.
More than 40,000 greeting cards for sending your best wishes to your loved ones.
Main features
- Includes really tacky cards for all holidays and occasions: Valentine's Day, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving, Fathers or Mothers Day, New Year's, Saint Patrick's Day, etc.
- As well as featuring a search function for finding the perfect card for each occasion, it displays a range of sections, with the main ones being: birthdays, love, anniversaries, friendship, weddings, flowers, family, animals, invitations, inspiration, etc.
- Greetings can be in the form of an animated card, video, or a GIF.
- Schedule reminders for dates in order to never forget an anniversary or an important birthday.
- Greetings can be shared by email or on social networks such as WhatsApp, Messenger, or LINE, among others.
- Users can schedule the sending of the greeting card.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 3.0.
- Offers in-app purchases.

Hi, I’m Lauriane Guilloux. I grew up surrounded by gadgets and technology and everyone who knows me assumes that it will always be one of my greatest interests. I’ve evolved hand-in-hand with PCs, laptops, video gaming consoles, smartphones,...

Sean Mitchell