In our Fortnite games, it is very important to have good weapons, items, ammunition, and resources. To do so, we must know how to choose an area where we can find all this easily.

Cities and towns are usually good places to get the best loots. There may be several chests in each house, so it would be difficult to not find a good weapon in addition to cures and potions after searching in several houses.

These are some of the best places to loot. Keep in mind that some may change as the season progresses.

Fortnite mapFortnite map
  • Misty Meadows: This village has a large number of houses, each one with several chests. In addition, it has a fishing area nearby, and some trees can be chopped down to obtain wood.
  • Lazy Lake: This city has big buildings with a large number of chests. Be careful, because it is one of the places where most players land.
  • Weeping Woods: It may have few houses, so most players never go there, but it is a good place to loot. There, you will find many trees and some stones and vehicles to cut, so it is an ideal place to get resources.
  • Slurpy Swamp: In this swamp, we may not find many resources, and there are just enough chests, but inside the factory, there are a large number of potion barrels that we can use to recover all our lives without using consumable items.
  • Holly Edges: This place has several houses and a large building in the center. We can find several chests and chop trees to get wood on the surroundings.
  • Sweaty Sands: On the beach, there are several buildings in a row, one of them very tall. That building is one of the best places to start because if we land on its roof and go down one by one all the floors, we will find up to 6 different chests.
  • Pleasant Park: This is also a city with multiple homes to check out. Sometimes you can get a good weapon in this area.

Finally, some advice. If we land in places with lots of loot, likely, many more people will also go to that area just like us. If we are not very skilled, it might not be a good idea to go to crowded areas, so sometimes it is better to go to further away places or small towns where we will also find some loot with fewer people around us.