Develop your own maths applications with this quick program
Rlab is a high-level programming language based on C that has been designed to make it easier to create maths applications. It is an interactive and interpreted scientific programming environment.
A free alternative to MATLAB
Rlab is not a clone of MATLAB. It bases itself on matrix maths, and the concepts and the operators are very similar but Rlab uses a totally different syntax that makes it more powerful and efficient and reduces the ambiguities between both applications.
It is important to take into account that this program is handled by means of the command line console. So it isn't apt for “windows” addicts. If you are used to this work method, you will soon realize the power of this program.
Even though its development finished in 2001, Rlab still has versions for Windows and Linux, and we will be able to obtain the source code under the GPL license, so if you want to develop scientific applications download this software.

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Antony Peel