GTA Vice City is a game released in 2003 on PC, and in those years, there were not many online games. However, players created a mod that makes it possible to play GTA Vice City Online. Let us show you how to install it.
First of all, we must have the game downloaded and installed. If you do not have it yet, you can check how to do it in our article How to install GTA Vice City on PC. The next step is to download the mod. To do so, go to and click on the Download Now button.

It will take us to a new page explaining the total content of this mod. Once again, we look for a Download Now button and click on it.

The download should begin soon. If this does not happen, click on the link that appears in the word mirror.

After downloading, the file will appear in the Downloads folder.

Double click on the file, and once opened, double click on the VCMP_Installer.msi file.

A new window will open to install the mod, click Next.

In the next screen, we accept terms and click on Next.

Now, you will see a screen to install the most important things quickly, click on Typical. In case we want an installation with more features than normal, then we can choose Complete.

On the next screen, click on Install. The installation will start and should not take long.

Finally, click on Finish. Now, the program is installed and ready for use.

By opening the program called Vice City Multiplayer, we will see a screen like the one shown below. We will start by configuring our player nickname by clicking on Tools and then Settings.

In the Username field, enter your player nickname and then click OK.

Clicking on the Internet tab will display all the game servers. Double click on one to start playing on it.

And with this, we will be able to play GTA Vice City Online with other players.