Jan AI


Jan AI is a privacy-focused AI assistant that you can use on your own PC locally without having to access the internet to use a cloud-based service


An open-source alternative to AI models like ChatGPT

January 22, 2024
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Are you looking for an AI assistant alternative that prioritizes privacy, does not require a constant internet connection, and is customizable? Then, Jan AI for PC is just what you need. Jan AI is an open-source software designed to run offline on your computer. In other words, you can enjoy an advanced AI experience without worrying about privacy issues associated with cloud-based services.

However, there are nuances within the software. Below are the pros and cons of using Jan AI:

Pros of Jan AI

  • Enhanced privacy by working completely offline.
  • Customization of the model according to your needs and preferences.
  • Extensive compatibility with a variety of hardware.
  • Active developer community on GitHub.

Cons of Jan AI

  • Reliance on your hardware to run the model.
  • An initial learning curve to understand how it works.
  • The performance is limited by the constraints of the base model.

With Jan AI, you can enjoy the benefits of AI without compromising your privacy.

However, despite these drawbacks, you should download Jan AI, as it is still a powerful and promising option for those who value privacy and customization in their AI experience.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Windows 10
Manuel Sánchez

Passionate about web browsing since the early days of the internet, I consider myself a digital veteran who lived the rise of the internet from his own trenches in specialized forums that no longer exist. And now that I look back, it amazes me...
