Microsoft Publisher does not support the direct import of PDF files. However, this problem can be solved by using one of the other applications integrated into the Office package. We are not talking about Microsoft Word, which does support opening and converting PDF files. Therefore, the first step in converting a PDF document to Microsoft Publisher is to open it with Word. Do it from its welcome screen, by clicking on Open and Browse.

Once opened, the word processor will let you edit it. However, we only want to use Word to convert the PDF to a format that is supported by Publisher. So, go to the File menu.

Click the Save as button to see more saving options.

In the file explorer window, select the destination. In the drop-down list next to Save as type, choose Word Document (*.docx). Click Save to apply the changes.

At this point, you now have your PDF file converted to Word format. It is time to open it in Microsoft Publisher. In its main window, click Open.

Again, you will find yourself in front of the Windows folder browser. Go to the directory where you saved the Word document. If you cannot see it, make sure you have chosen the DOCX extension in the drop-down below.

Finally, the entire contents of your Word document will appear in a new Publisher project. Each element can be handled freely by the page and can be modified according to the design parameters of the application.

When you finish editing, save the changes in a PUB file, Publisher's own format. This way, you can use it to make modifications whenever you need to.