Easily upload any file to the network
The online hosting services (RapidShare, FileServe, Megaupload,...) are becoming more common each day, specially to be able to share files with friends and family, but uploading the files to the servers can be an arduous task if you don't have the necessary software, like File & Image Uploader.
Compatible with the vast majority of storage services.
The most noteworthy things of File & Image Uploader are how easy it is to use and the large amount of storage services with which it is compatible.
Such is the case, that File & Image Uploader offers compatibility with more than 500 online services, comprising both file storage websites as well as those dedicated to images and videos, among which it is worth highlighting:
- RapidShare
- Megaupload
- Megavideo
- YouTube
- FileServe
- FileJungle
- Stooorage
- And a lot more...
For the most important services, File & Image Uploader also allows to the configuration of the user accounts in such a way that it isn't necessary to upload the files to the network anonymously. Something that can be very interesting for the users, because many of these websites offer special offers to the users that upload certain contents.
Therefore, if you want to have access to an application that will allow you to upload files to Internet automatically and without any type of complications, you only have to download File & Image Uploader.

As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. I have done from software or mobile applications reviews...

Scott McLure