This has probably happened to all of us: We forget a password, and someone at Microsoft thinks we've done something we shouldn't have... Then, one day, without expecting it, we try to log in to our Hotmail or Outlook account, and we only see a message notifying us that our account has been blocked. These certainly are bad news, but there is a solution: you can recover a blocked account.
There are several methods to unlock a Hotmail or Outlook account. But for them to work, you must have previously filled in your profile and indicated alternatives to contact you in case your account was blocked or became inaccessible. This will make it easy to prove that you are the account owner and ask for it to be unlocked.
Why my Hotmail/Outlook account has been blocked: all possible reasons
One reason "a message appears stating that your account has been blocked is because activity associated with your account has been detected that violates our terms of use." This could be a mistake, a misinterpretation of your actions, or that you were doing something you were not supposed to do with your Hotmail or Outlook account. Microsoft does not let you use Hotmail or Outlook to spread malware, phishing, spam, or to interfere with or damage networks or services. But as we said before, this block may be caused by a misused "program, script, or bot."
Another reason for getting locked out is trying to log in using the wrong password several times in a row. It could be that you forgot your password or that someone wants to access your account. The result is that you will have to recover your blocked Hotmail account. But do not worry: this is a relatively straightforward process if you have the corresponding information.
How to unlock a Hotmail/Outlook account from your smartphone
As we said above, a blocked account does not have to stay like that forever. As its owner, you can request its unlocking. You can even do this from your smartphone. Moreover, one of the ways to unlock your Outlook or Hotmail account is to receive a security code through an SMS. But you can also contact Microsoft technical support if you can't use this method.
How to recover a Hotmail account via SMS
If you received the dreadful blocked account message when trying to access a Microsoft service with your Hotmail or Outlook account, you won't be able to access that service or application. Instead, you must unlock your account to keep using your favorite services. Microsoft suggests accessing a specific web link and logging in there. Here's how to do it:

- Open your Android web browser.
- Try to open your Hotmail or Outlook account.
- Try logging in with your blocked account.
- Follow the instructions to receive a security code by SMS.
- When you receive it, enter it immediately in the form field you will see.
- Please note that the code only lasts 10 minutes.
- And please do not confuse the code in the header with the code in the body.
How to recover a Hotmail account contacting the technical support
Currently, "to protect your account, the Outlook team will not help you if you have trouble logging in." Instead, we must use the above-described method to obtain a security code by SMS or email. But if you still can't unlock your account, Microsoft offers a contact form you can use.

This is the Microsoft account recovery form. And although it is a safe method, it requires patience. With this form, you must answer several questions about your blocked Outlook or Hotmail account that only you should know.
You may submit the form no more than twice a day, and for it to work, it is recommended that you use a device where you have used your account before and in a similar location. Microsoft Technical Support will review your message and contact you within 24 hours.
How to recover a permanently blocked Hotmail/Outlook account
If the above two methods did not work and your account is still blocked, try resetting your password. You have nothing to lose, and you may be able to unlock your Hotmail or Outlook account, even if the block is permanent.

To do so, follow these steps:
- Open your Android web browser.
- Go to this Microsoft link to reset passwords.
- Enter the email address you want to unlock.
- Tap on Next.
- Choose a method to authenticate or verify your account.
- Once this security step has been completed, you can type a new password.
- After this, your account will be available again.
How to avoid being locked out of your Hotmail account in the future
Nowadays, Microsoft offers different security tools so that your account is not blocked accidentally or by someone who wants to usurp your identity. To get started, you can use the Microsoft Authenticator application to sign in without a password. If you always have your phone with you, when you log in to your Hotmail or Outlook account, approve the action from the smartphone app.

It is also advisable to fill out the security information form so that, if your account gets blocked, you can answer the questions from Microsoft technical support. Make sure the information you provide is not available on the Internet so that no one can impersonate you.
Finally, do not share passwords, do not send your password via WhatsApp or email, make sure you enter your password on a real page or application and not on a fake one, and, finally, keep your devices and applications updated.