Download Google Play's APKs from your PC
If you use an Android device, Real APK Leecher is one of the applications you need to have on your PC. Download Real APK Leecher for free to get hold of the APK files of Google Plays' apps.
The easiest way to download APKs.
From Google Play you can install whatever applications you want on any of your Android devices, even if you are accessing from a PC. But on some occasions you may be interested in having the APK file. In these cases you can make use of Real APK Leecher.
How Real APK Leecher works
Real APK Leecher is a simple multi-platform application based on Java that doesn't require installation. Once you launch the application, you only have to configure it with your data:
- Google account associated to your Android device.
- Password of your account.
- Device ID or your Android device identifier.
From that moment onwards, use the integrated search engine to select the Android applications that you want to download.
Create your own collection of applications for Android downloading APK files by getting hold of Real APK Leecher for free.
Requirements and additional information:
- Requires Java and a RAR compressor.
- To run the application you have to have a Google account associated to an Android device and to know its identifier (Device ID).
- Requires an Internet connection.
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