Notification Applications for Android

Configure and customize all the application and operating system alerts on your Android smartphone or tablet thanks to these notification apps

NotifyBuddy 2.21 English

Set up a notification screen using the one from OnePlus 6T

iNoty 1.5.2 English
iNoty 1.5.2

Customize your Android notifications

Floatify 11.61 English
Floatify 11.61

Floating notifications and lock screens

Notisave 4.6.0g English
Notisave 4.6.0g

Save all notifications on your mobile and read them whenever you want

Flash 3 16.1 English
Flash 3 16.1

Configure visual alerts for your applications

Material Notification Shade English

Change your notification menu for the one from Android Oreo

Good Vibrations 4.2.9 English

Set up and customize your Android vibration notifications

NotiGuy 2.3.3 English
NotiGuy 2.3.3

Dynamic notifications island

Fake Notifications 2.22 English

Create custom notifications

Notifica App 1.0.10 English
Notifica App 1.0.10

App to receive communications from the Spanish public Administrations

True Edge 5.9.0 English
True Edge 5.9.0

Notification alerts with customizable lights

Life Reminders English

Reminders so you don't forget anything

Notification History Log 16.3.3 English

Your entire notification history

Smartwatch Sync & Bluetooth Notifier 353.0 English

Get your Android notifications on your smartwatch

Daywise 3.10.12 English
Daywise 3.10.12

Stop getting stressed out with hundreds of notifications

Unnotification 2.2.0 English

Recover the Android notifications that you missed

Visualfy 6.5.0 English
Visualfy 6.5.0

Visual and sensorial notifications on your phone

Light Flow 3.99.00 English
Light Flow 3.99.00

Configure the phone lights for your alerts

Flash Alerts 2 2.4.0 English

Enable LED notifications

Notification Toggle 3.8.9 English

Customize Android's notification bar