To summon enemies and other non-playable characters in Minecraft, you have to use the command window or the chat window, both are the same. To open it, while playing, look for the text bubble icon at the top of the interface and click on it, the same one used to open the chat.

In the new window, click on the text box below to display the keyboard and enter your code.

Type any of the following commands in the window and press Enter on your keyboard.

If everything has worked out correctly, the results will be immediate.

How to summon each type of enemy or character? Each one of them has its own command, so pay attention.
Codes to summon Mobs in Minecraft
- Blaze: /summon blaze
- Cave spider: /summon cave_spider
- Creeper: /summon creeper
- Creeper charged: /summon creeper ~ ~ ~ minecraft:become_charged
- Drowned: /summon drowned
- Elder Guardian: /summon elder_guardian
- Ender Dragon: /summon ender_dragon
- Enderman: /summon enderman
- Endermite: /summon endermite
- Evoker: /summon evocation_villager
- Ghast: /summon ghast
- Guardian: /summon guardian
- Husk: /summon husk
- Iron golem: /summon iron_golem
- Magma cube: /summon magma_cube
- Phantom: /summon phantom
- Pillager: /summon pillager
- Ravager: /summon ravager
- Shulker: /summon shulker
- Skeleton: /summon skeleton
- Slime: /summon slime
- Spider: /summon spider
- Stray: /summon stray
- Vex: /summon vex
- Villagers: /summon villager
- Vindicator: /summon vindicator
- Witch: /summon witch
- Wither skeleton: /summon wither_skeleton
- Wither Boss: /summon wither
- Wolf: /summon wolf
- Zombie: /summon zombie
- Zombie horse: /summon zombie_horse
- Zombie villager: /summon zombie_villager
Codes to summon NPCs or non-playable characters in Minecraft
- Bat: /summon bat
- Cat: /summon cat
- Chicken: /summon chicken
- Cod: /summon cod
- Cow: /summon cow
- Dolphin: /summon dolphin
- Donkey: /summon donkey
- Horse: /summon horse
- Llama: /summon llama
- Mooshroom: /summon mooshroom
- Mule: /summon mule
- Ocelot: /summon ocelot
- Panda: /summon panda
- Parrot: /summon parrot
- Pig: /summon pig
- Pig on saddle: /summon pig [spawnPos] minecraft:on_saddled
- Polar bear: /summon polar_bear
- Pufferfish: /summon pufferfish
- Rabbit: /summon rabbit
- Salmon: /summon salmon
- Sheep: /summon sheep
- Silverfish: /summon silverfish
- Skeleton horse: /summon skeleton_horse
- Snow golem: /summon snow_golem
- Squid: /summon squid
- Tropical fish: /summon tropicalfish
- Turtle: /summon turtle
- Villagers: /summon villager
- Wandering trader: /summon wandering_trader
- Zombie pigman: /summon zombie_pigman