To make a smooth stone, you must, first of all, have a furnace. If you do not have one, we explain how to make one. To craft a furnace, you need 8 units of any of the following blocks:
- Cobblestone
- Blackstone
- Deepslate
To obtain any of these materials, it is necessary to go to stony areas and use a pickaxe, since it is not possible to crack these materials by hand. With these blocks already in your inventory, go to a crafting table and place the 8 cobblestone, blackstone, or deepslate blocks as follows:
- First row: Three blocks.
- Second row: Two blocks, one on the left and one on the right, the center must be empty.
- Third row: Three blocks.

Tap on the furnace to place it in your inventory, and then, place it in a location to start using it. Your goal now is to get the smooth stone. It is very simple, place the following resources in the furnace:
- Stone
- Any fuel (Coal, Wood, and such)

For the smooth stone to be manufactured, you will have to wait a few seconds, so if you intend to get a full stack (64), you can leave your Android and do other things in the meantime for a few minutes.
Once this time has elapsed, your smooth stone will be ready. As you can see, a stone is not difficult to craft, and it is also a type of block that is nice to see in constructions such as sidewalks or elevated buildings. On the other hand, it is also a useful material for other recipes, such as the manufacture of melting furnaces, wagons, or smokers.