Repair damaged emails from Outlook Express and compatible programs
Have you ever received a damaged email? Advanced Outlook Express Repair (AOER) is a simple tool that repairs all the damaged mail from Outlook Express and the email clients that are compatible with it.
The program doesn't actually perform any kind of operation over Outlook Express, it only acts on the files that contain damaged email, be it in DBX or MBX format.
If we can't open an email, all we have to do is indicate the exact location of the file to Advanced Outlook Express Repair, and it will instantly repair it.
By default it places the fixed files in a new directory that has the same name as the location of the damaged file followed by "_recovered". So, the new inbox would be called "Inbox_recovered".
Check if the files generated by your electronic mail client have these extensions before downloading Advanced Outlook Express Repair, because the programs is useless for applications like Live Mail.
Now you can recover damaged e-mail in a couple of simple steps, thanks to Advanced Outlook Express Repair.

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