GpsDrive Linux


GpsDrive is a GPS data manager designed to use these devices from a Linux distro. Download GpsDrive free to decide where you will travel to using your GPS


Work with your GPS from a Linux computer

September 17, 2012
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Location by means of GPS can be very useful when you are travelling, specially for those cases in which you don't properly know the area you are travelling around. The only problem which can arise is that these GPS devices don't allow you to view all the data clearly, being much easier to use a program on the computer like GpsDrive.

Receive and show all the data from your GPS

GpsDrive is designed in such a way that it allows you to receive and show all the data from any GPS receiver on the screen, something which will allow the user to design all kinds of routes, without having to worry what you are using the GPS for.


  • Show the data from a GPS receiver on the screen.
  • Receive and send position between friends while connected to the same server.
  • Uses maps from OpenStreetMaps.
  • Use an instant messaging service between the users of a single server.
  • Create waypoints, with the possibility to save them in your database.

Therefore, if you want to view the information from your GPS device on your computer, you only have to download GpsDrive for free.

Héctor Hernández

As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. I have done from software or mobile applications reviews...

Antony Peel

Antony Peel
