Efficient free email server
Hermes EMail Server is a simple and free email server. This server is easy to use and with it, you will be able to transform your computer into a practical mail server to be able to send and receive electronic messages efficiently.
Set up your own email server
It works as follows: Hermes EMail Server has three basic elements. A POP3 server, that accepts connections from the email clients that want to read the user's mail; an SMTP server, that accepts that connections of any user that wants to send an email or other servers that want to deliver an email. It also has an SMTP agent that will take care of delivering the mails that are in the queue for users that aren't local.
Before starting to use this email server, it is necessary to configure it. This general configuration is essential for it to work. Nevertheless, all the rest of the settings are already configured by default. Furthermore, the application's source code is included in the download for those people that want to check how it has been designed or to improve it.
Requirements and additional information:
- To be able to download this program it is necessary to have an active Yahoo! user account, to be able to join the developer's mail group and download the software.
- It doesn't work on 64-bit systems.

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