JOKR Android

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No time to go to the supermarket? Don't worry, with the JOKR app you can do your shopping from your cell phone and receive it at home in a few minutes


Do your grocery shopping online and receive it at your doorstep

March 3, 2022
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We live such busy lives that we often don't even have the time to go grocery shopping. But what if you could do your shopping from your cell phone and have your order delivered to your doorstep in a matter of minutes? Well, that's it, wish granted!

The future of supermarkets is in your hands

It has happened to everyone: you are going to cook a delicious meal but you are missing an essential ingredient. There are two options, you can change your menu or run to the supermarket. However, if you download the APK file of this app, there is a third option.

JOKR is a kind of online supermarket that allows you to order groceries and other essential products and receive them at home in a matter of minutes. The big advantage is that the developers work with local stores and they keep the supermarket prices.

In addition, there is no minimum order value. And if you are concerned about CO2 emissions, according to company officials, they are working to reduce their carbon footprint.

Go to the app to order everything you need and receive it within 15 minutes.

This new way of shopping helps you save time and reduce food waste, as you will only buy what you need and receive it (almost) instantly. If you can't go shopping for whatever reason, this platform provides an excellent and very fast solution. However, at the moment it is only available in some countries, but give it time.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Android 7.0.
Almudena Galán

With a degree in Law and Journalism, I specialized in criminology and cultural journalism. Mobile apps, especially Android apps, are one of my great passions. I have been testing dozens of apps every day for over six years now, discovering all...

Susana Arjona

Susana Arjona
