Parfois Android

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Parfois' customers can now discover all the store's latest products, find inspiration, and fall in love with new trends of the season thanks to this app


The official app of the fashion, bags, and accessories store

November 23, 2023
7 / 10

Parfois, the Portuguese women's accessories store, invites us to use their official app. From here, we will be able to discover the latest news of the brand, receive offers, and buy our favorite products, among other things.

Your favorite products in your pocket

This app is an online version of their store adapted to mobile devices. As soon as we open the app, we will see a screen with the highlighted promotions, the main sections of the web page, and the last articles we saw on the platform.

In addition, various sections can be accessed from the lower menu. In the first one, we can find the brand's editorials, which inspire us to design our own fashionable looks.

Each season the brand designs over 3,500 products to inspire you and express your style.

On the other hand, this menu has direct access to the search engine, equipped with several categories: bags, jewelry, clothing, shoes, wallets, accessories, and more. And there are also buttons to access the products marked as favorites and our account.

In short, downloading the APK file provides us with a tool that will be especially useful to regular customers of this brand. Its main advantage, besides its convenience, is that it sends alerts when there are news or promotions. If you don't feel compelled to use it, you can always go to the website instead of installing the app.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Android 7.0.
Almudena Galán

With a degree in Law and Journalism, I specialized in criminology and cultural journalism. Mobile apps, especially Android apps, are one of my great passions. I have been testing dozens of apps every day for over six years now, discovering all...

Manuel Sánchez

Manuel Sánchez
