Catalog all your films and TV series efficiently
Nowadays many users have dozens of series and films on DVD, as well as the ones that they have stored on their hard drive, but this causes a problem. How to keep all the collection in perfect order? The ideal solution is to have an application like VisualDivX.
Organize your movie collection
This program will allow us to manage our collection of films, series, and documentaries, regardless of the format in which they are. Each of the elements will have an independent file that will contain all the important data, even including the possibility to add comments and covers. The program is also capable of compiling information about the elements from the Internet, which will really make the organization process a lot easier.
Other features that are worth highlighting are the loan manager, thanks to which we will always be able to know who we have lent a film to, and the print manager, with which we can generate printable lists with all the elements of our collection.
If you are looking for an easier way to keep your films and series collection ordered, you have to try VisualDivX, an efficient and totally free solution.

As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. I have done from software or mobile applications reviews...

Antony Peel