Complete hexadecimal editor
WinHex is a hexadecimal editor that shows the contents of any file using the base 16 numbering system. Discover the advantages of using WinHex.
Complete hexadecimal editor.
All the files you can think of (photos, videos, applications, documents...) are stored on the hard drive in digital format. Therefore, all this information is kept on the hard drive with ones and zeros.
WinHex usefulness
Using binary numbers to represent any kind of information is very complicated due to the length of each chain. That is why hexadecimal notation is much more practical. WinHex can be useful for users that work with low-level data processing, data recovery and even computer forensics. WinHex incorporates practical functionalities:
- Find and replace text.
- Insert position markers
- Template management.
- RAM editing.
- Shortcut to the calculator.
- Hexadecimal converter.
Requirements and additional information:
- This is a trial version with certain limitations.
- Requires a ZIP compatible compressor.

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Antony Peel