To install APKs on LDPlayer you have several methods at your disposal. The first one is well known to everyone: open the Play Store, search for what you are interested in and download it; exactly as you would do with your Android phone or tablet.
The second method requires you to download an APK file from a trusted source (such as Malavida) and save it to your PC. The APK will look like this on your computer:

Once you have saved it, just double-click on it and it will be automatically added to LDPlayer. When the installation is finished, it will automatically appear on the emulator's startup screen:

Another option you have is, in the bar on the right side of the emulator window, click on the install APKs button:

A file explorer window will open, where you will have to browse your PC for the location where you have saved the installation file. Select it and click on Open:

The file will be installed automatically and will appear on the emulator's home screen, as we have described above.
It is worth remembering that LDPlayer is one of the leading alternatives to BlueStacks' dominance in the world of Android emulation for PC. Having been created with gamers in mind, it has gained a lot of sympathy from the user base of the green robot's operating system.
Playing on an Android emulator allows you to continue enjoying your favorite titles without draining your phone's battery, as well as having a large screen on which you can enjoy your games without straining your eyes.