Tinder is probably the most popular social network for people looking to find a partner. But it is not always easy for our profile to reach interesting people. And for this purpose, Boost Tinder is an interesting tool.

What is the Tinder boost

Boost is a tool that lets you be one of the top profiles in your area for 30 minutes. Therefore, although you are not guaranteed to get matches, it does increase your chances of being seen by other users. According to the platform itself, a profile with Boost has 10 times more visits, thus greatly increasing your chances of success.

What is the peak time on Tinder to use Boost

If you want the Boost to be profitable, you will have to choose the best time to use it, since, as we have already mentioned, it will only last 30 minutes. Many people think that the weekend, when we all have more free time, must be the time when they are most likely to succeed.

However, on weekends, most people tend to take advantage of the time to go out and not be so focused on their phones. Therefore, in case you want to reach as many people as possible, this is not the best option.

So, the best time to use your Boost on Tinder is Monday through Thursday between 8 pm and 10 pm. By this time most users have finished work, but as they have to return to work the next day they are usually at home. That is the best time to use your Boost and meet more people.

How much does it cost to buy a Boost on Tinder?

If you have a paid account on Tinder, you will have at your disposal a free Boost every month, which you can use whenever you want. But in case you have a free account, you can get this option occasionally by paying for it. For specific moments, it can be worthwhile.

Press the Get Boost button to get Boosters on TinderPress the Get Boost button to get Boosters on Tinder

Boosts do not have a fixed price, although they are usually around $4.00. Depending on when you buy them, this figure can range from $2 to $6. Therefore, if you are going to opt for this option more than once or twice a month, you will probably be better off using a paid account.

How to use Tinder Boosts

The steps to use a Boost on Tinder are as follows:

  1. Open the Tinder application
  2. Tap on the icon with a purple lightning bolt on the main screen
On your Tinder feed, press the purple lightning to use a BoostOn your Tinder feed, press the purple lightning to use a Boost

To find out how many Boosts you have left, tap on your profile icon, and you will see a counter at the bottom with the number of Boosts you have available.