

Download AniWeather free to see the weather information. AniWeather shows the weather in thousands of locations around the world and on all sorts of maps


Firefox add-on to get to know the weather forecast

August 23, 2013
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Don't let the weather mess up your plans thanks to AniWeather, a Firefox add-on that shows you the weather forecast for any place in the world without leaving your browser.

The weatherman at home

AniWeather offers you the most complete weather information while you browse the Internet. You will always have the weather forecast at hand so that you can easily check if you need to pick up a jacket or a beach towel.

If it says it's going to rain, it really does!

Features of AniWeather

  • Real-time weather information of more than 77,000 different locations.
  • Weather forecast for the next 5 days.
  • Shows different types of maps.
  • View the information by means of animations.
  • Many customisation options: choose measurement units, report configuration...

How to use AniWeather

All the information is accessible from the upper right corner of Firefox, where you will find a basic AniWeather panel with the most important data. If you need to view them with more detail, click on the corresponding icons.

Wide range of maps

AniWeather provides temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind, air quality and UV radiation maps, to just name a few examples. Browse them all to get an idea of the weather awaiting you at your destination.

If you want to know the weather forecast for your city tomorrow, download AniWeather for free, install it on your browser and make plans without leaving any loose ends.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Requires Firefox.
Héctor Hernández

As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. I have done from software or mobile applications reviews...

Antony Peel

Antony Peel
