Allows you to open and create SFV files to test the validity of your downloads
When we share big files over the Internet, specially through direct download servers like Rapidshare or Megaupload, we normally divide them into parts that we later have to merge once again. On some occasions, the merging process fails because one of the parts has been downloaded incorrectly or is corrupt or incomplete, and since we don't know which one it has been we have to download all of them once again.
An essential tool for our Internet downloads
To avoid this we have the SFV files available, that are small files that contain information about the divided files and that detect the smallest error that any of them may be suffering of. Many uploaders usually add an SFV file to the divided files so that the users that download them can check if the download has taken place correctly.
FlashSFV is a program that generates and checks the SFV code. It doesn't require installation and its functioning is rather simple. Generate SFV files from the compressed parts that we tell it to, generally RAR or ZIP files.
When we open an SFV file, it shows us a folder with all the files that it contains. To check if any of them causes an error we have to select them all and click on the analyze option. At that moment we will be able to locate the file that is causing problems, to be able to download it on its own instead of all of the files once more.

¡Hi! I am Vanessa Martin, I like to travel, music, photography, and I am passionate about the Internet, as it is a great source of information where you can find everything you need. If it exists, it is on the Internet. Another of my great...

Scott McLure