Weapon Stripping Android

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If you are into firearms and their mechanics, you will love Weapon Stripping, a realistic simulator in which you can assemble and test different weapons


Assemble and disassemble weapons on your smartphone

February 24, 2021
6 / 10

There are games of all kinds for smartphones... including one for assembling and disassembling firearms. To try this curious experience we just have to download the APK file, choose one of the weapons in the gallery and get down to business.

An arsenal in your pocket

Weapon Stripping is a realistic simulator with 3D graphics in which we will have to arm, disarm and shoot numerous firearms. The selection is very wide, and in the arsenal we will find assault rifles, pistols, revolvers, submachine guns and shotguns, among others.

This title has two game modes: against the clock and free. The free mode gives us total freedom to explore the weapons, disassemble them and observe their mechanisms through a system of transparencies.

On the other hand, the time trial mode includes the mode of assembling, disassembling or assembling and disassembling. It is like a puzzle, but with guns and shots. Our times will be recorded to compete with our friends.

A weapons simulator that allows you to assemble and disassemble various firearms from different eras.

On the other hand, this title includes an achievement system, various types of control and a section with detailed information and history of each weapon. Of course, this is an interesting and very original simulator.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.4.
Almudena Galán

With a degree in Law and Journalism, I specialized in criminology and cultural journalism. Mobile apps, especially Android apps, are one of my great passions. I have been testing dozens of apps every day for over six years now, discovering all...

Shay O’Toole

Shay O’Toole
