Moovit Android
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Download Moovit and check in real time all the information necessary to move around with your city's public transport system quickly and comfortably


Use public transport more comfortably

July 3, 2024
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Moving around your town with public transport may sometimes not be as easy as it seems. Nevertheless, thanks to Moovit it's going to be really easy, as you'll be able to calculate with this app the best route and transport combination to reach your destination.

Find and make use of the best route with Moovit.

Moovit feeds off real-time information of your city's urban transport. It takes information from both tube, bus and rail networks, informing you about the best option to travel from one place to another depending on the time of the day. Don't think twice and download Moovit, you'll always have at your reach maps, timetables a real waiting times.

Some of the cities of the UK and USA currently covered by Moovit

  • London.
  • Birmingham.
  • Manchester.
  • Leeds.
  • Liverpool.
  • Belfast.
  • Edinburgh.
  • Glasgow.
  • Cardiff.
  • New York.
  • San Francisco.
  • Los Angeles.
  • Chicago.
  • Boston.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.
  • Offers in-app purchases.
Elies Guzmán

With a degree in History, and later, in Documentation, I have over a decade of experience testing and writing about apps: reviews, guides, articles, news, tricks, and more. They have been countless, especially on Android, an operating system...

Antony Peel

Antony Peel
