Among the many reasons to play GTA San Andreas are its secondary or optional missions that complement the game's main story. When you are stuck on a main quest or want some variety, you can do side quests or other activities such as collecting items or getting a girlfriend. In Grand Theft Auto, you can have several girlfriends. And when you do this, you will get rewards and gifts to help you beat the game.
Where to find and how to romance all of CJ's girlfriends in GTA San Andreas
The main character of GTA San Andreas, CJ, can have up to six girlfriends spread across the map of San Andreas. Not all at the same time, of course. Each has her personality, tastes, and preferences. So, you must prepare before talking with each of them if you want your relationship to work.

How to find and romance Denise Robinson
The first candidate for CJ's girlfriend is Denise. Denise Robinson. Her love story begins after the Burning Desire mission. Once you complete it and rescue her from the fire, you can start your romantic relationship with Denise. And to keep it, you will have to meet specific requirements. Namely, to go out with her frequently. In return, you will get prizes and rewards.

- Location: Ganton. Near the bridge, that is, near CJ's house.
- Schedule: You will find her at her home between 16:00 and 6:00.
- Possible Plans: Eating out (her favorite restaurant is Ten Green Bells), dancing (her favorite place is Alhambra, near Idlewood), and going for a ride (you can take her in your car).
- Gifts: Flowers.
- Rewards: If the relationship reaches 50%, she will give you the keys to her car. When she gets to 100%, you will get a Pimp Suit.
How to find and romance Millie Perkins
You will meet Millie Perkins in the Key to Her Heart mission. As with Denise, the relationship starts automatically after completing it. So, you do not need anything special to make her fall in love. Although if your level of sex appeal is high, it will help quite a bit. After this, to keep your love going strong, you'll have to do the usual girlfriend quests: go out to eat and dance. In exchange, you will get an exclusive vehicle and a magnetic card you need to complete the main story.

- Location: She lives in Prickle Pine in Las Venturas.
- Schedule: You will find her from 12:00 to 22:00.
- Possible Plans: Eating out (at any restaurant), dancing (especially at The Camel's Toe), and going for a ride (in your neighborhood, without speeding).
- Gifts: It does not matter. Although if you wear the Gimp Suit that she gives you, you will have sex, and the relationship will increase by 10%.
- Rewards: If the relationship reaches 35%, Millie gives you a magnetic card to complete one of the main quests. When she gets to 50%, she will gift you the keys to her Club car.
How to find and romance Helena Wankstein
Helena is one of CJ's most demanding partners since, to make her fall in love, you will need to lose muscle, dress well, and have high sex appeal. You will find her on Blueberry's gun store roof in Red County. But your efforts will be well-rewarded with a weapon workshop, a nice car, and a farmer's costume.

- Location: Ammu-Nation of Blueberry, Red County. She lives on Flint Range, Flint County.
- Schedules: From 8:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 2:00.
- Possible Plans: Eating out (World of Coq, in Rodeo, Los Santos), dancing (Alhambra), and going for a ride (near Helena's house).
- Gifts: Not required.
- Rewards: Access to her shed. There, you will find a chainsaw, a pistol, a flamethrower, and Molotov cocktails. When the relationship reaches 50%, Helena will give you the keys to her Bandito car. When she gets to 100%, you will get farmer's clothes.
How to find and romance Katie Zhan
Katie Zhan is a nurse and a tai chi practitioner. You will find her at the Avispa Country Club, south of San Fierro. What do you need to start dating? In a few words, a lot of sex appeal and being jacked. Also, Katie likes to dance. In exchange, you will get an exclusive vehicle and a doctor's uniform that will be useful for some of your main missions.

- Location: Avispa Country Club, south of San Fierro. She lives in Juniper Hollow.
- Schedule: You will find her from 12:00 to 00:00.
- Possible Plans: Eating out (having dinner at Paradiso Diner Restaurant), dancing (at Gaydar Station), and going for a ride (Chinatown and other waterfront areas. If possible, at moderate speed).
- Gifts: Nothing in particular.
- Rewards: If you go out with Katie, you can enter the hospital without losing your weapons or paying. When the relationship reaches 50%, she will give you the keys to her Romero car. And at 100%, you will get a doctor's uniform.
How to find and romance Michelle Cannes
You'll find Michelle at her driving school in Doherty. And she lives in Downtown, in San Fierro. To make her fall in love with you and be your girlfriend, you will need a very high sex appeal: 90% or more. And you will also have to be fat: over 50%. If you keep her as your girlfriend, you can repair your cars for free. And, as you keep your relationship going, you will get an exclusive vehicle and a racing uniform.

- Location: Usually, you can find her at her driving school in Downtown, San Fierro.
- Schedules: You will find her from 00:00 to 12:00.
- Possible Plans: Eating out (at Misty's), dance (at Gaydar Station), and going for a ride (through Doherty and Garcia, if possible, at full speed).
- Gifts: Michelle likes cars. Let her drive yours.
- Rewards: Free repairs with Michelle's Auto Repair service. When your romance reaches 50%, you can use her car, the Monster. And when your relationship gets to 100%, you will get a racing uniform.
How to find and romance Barbara Schternvart
Barbara is a policewoman. And this has its ups and downs. The advantage is that she does not mind you committing crimes. The downside is that she is somewhat controlling. You will find Barbara Schternvart in El Quebrado, a village in Las Venturas, northwest of the map of GTA San Andreas. As for the requirements to make her fall in love with you, you must be fat and without muscles. Or, if you prefer, have a very high sex appeal. To make your relationship work, you must take her to coffee shops, dance, and ride with her in your car.

- Location: El Quebrado, Las Venturas. At the Sheriff's Station.
- Schedules: From 00:00 to 06:00 and from 14:00 to 20:00.
- Possible Plans: Dining (at Jays Diner), dancing (at The Camel's Toe or Gaydar Station), and going for a ride (near Barbara's house and without speeding).
- Gifts: Nothing in particular.
- Rewards: If Barbara is your girlfriend, you will not lose your bulletproof vest or weapons when arrested. When your relationship reaches 50%, she will give you the keys to her Ranger car. And if your relationship gets to 100%, you will get a police uniform.