Gmail lets you modify the name of each account you have configured in its application. However, the method may vary depending on whether the account is from Google or another provider. In this article, we will show you how to change the name in each case.

If it is a Gmail account

If your email uses the Gmail domain, i.e. it is a Google account, tap on its avatar and tap on Manage your Google Account.

Open the account’s settingsOpen the account’s settings

Open the Personal info tab. Then, tap on Name.

Personal infoPersonal info

Enter your first and last name. Then, tap on Save to confirm the information.

Change the account’s nameChange the account’s name

Take the opportunity to change the avatar of your account, if you think it is appropriate.

Change the photoChange the photo

From now on, the name that will appear in your email account will be the one you have set. However, remember that this modification affects the name displayed in outgoing messages. It also affects other company services where you are logged in, such as Google Chat, Google Docs, or YouTube. You must keep this in mind before saving your changes.

If your account is set with another provider

In case the account you want to rename is from another provider, for example, Outlook or iCloud, the steps to follow are different. You need to open the Gmail settings.

Open Gmail’s settingsOpen Gmail’s settings

Then, tap on the account you are interested in.

Access the account’s settingsAccess the account’s settings

Tap on Account name to change the display name shown in Gmail.

Account nameAccount name

In the same way, modify the name shown in the outgoing emails with the Your Name option.

Change the personal nameChange the personal name

With these changes made, you will have changed both the name used by Gmail to identify the account and the name displayed when sending messages.