Gmail includes several search operators that you can use to find conversations even faster and accurately. Among them, there are several dedicated exclusively to filtering emails by date. Do you want to know them?

Unlike the web version, there is no date filter in the Gmail Android app. Therefore, it is necessary to use options such as the ones shown in this guide. All of them must be typed in the top search bar.

Use the text field to searchUse the text field to search

Search for an email before a date

The operator to be used to locate conversations before a specific date is as follows:


Filter to search before a certain dateFilter to search before a certain date

Search for an email between two dates

It is also possible to locate emails between two dates. It is done as follows:

after:aaaa/mm/dd before:aaaa/mm/dd

Filter to search between two datesFilter to search between two dates

Locate a conversation after a date

To find emails dating after a specific day, use the following operator:


Filter to search after a certain dateFilter to search after a certain date

Find emails with a specific date

Gmail also lets you find emails with more than a specified amount of time in the mailbox. It is done in this way:

  • older_than:Xd for an email with specific days of existence.
  • older_than:Xd for an email with specific months of existence.
  • older_than:Xd for an email with specific years of existence.
Locate older emailsLocate older emails

It also works in the opposite direction. Only in this case, it is necessary to use another operator.

  • newer_than:Xd for an email with less than a few days of being sent.
  • newer_than:Xd for an email with less than a few months of being sent.
  • newer_than:Xd for an email with less than a few years of being sent.

Search for an email with a specific date

Combining older_than and newer_than is possible as you can see in the following screenshot. This formula further refines the search by mail seniority.

Older and newer than a specific timeOlder and newer than a specific time

Use keywords together with operators

Finally, remember that you can use any of these search operators together with other terms. The screenshot below shows how to do this.

Search operator with termsSearch operator with terms

Therefore, it is possible to locate emails by the date, that in addition, include a specific keyword.