PeduliLindungi Android

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PeduliLindungi is the app that the Indonesian government has made available to its fellow citizens to try to control the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic


App to fight COVID-19 in Indonesia

February 10, 2021
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Is the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic the biggest shit most of us have ever experienced? Yes, it is, which is why practically all governments have set to work, although some with more determination than others, in an effort to stop this public health issue that has turned into a global crisis on different levels.

Indonesia tracks COVID-19

Indonesia has launched the PeduliLindungi app, whose name is amusing, but which serves to enable its citizens to register and notify potential COVID-19 cases to the health authorities. The app is based on sharing location data to be able to track the history of contacts suffering from coronavirus. In that way, the chain of infection can be better monitored, and the sources of contamination can be isolated for treatment.

However, Indonesia is a country with a peculiar understanding of human rights. When you register your phone number to share data with the government, you cannot be one hundred percent sure if the data will be used for legitimate purposes only or for somethin else

Requirements and additional information:

Elies Guzmán

With a degree in History, and later, in Documentation, I have over a decade of experience testing and writing about apps: reviews, guides, articles, news, tricks, and more. They have been countless, especially on Android, an operating system...

Susana Arjona

Susana Arjona
