WhatsApp statuses are a great way to share photos, text, and videos with all your contacts. You are likely using this feature every day to send ephemeral content that disappears after 24 hours. Want to know who is viewing your statuses on WhatsApp? Stay tuned to this guide, because we will tell you all about it.

First, open the Status tab and post a new status. Then, wait for a while so that your contacts can view what you are posting. Then, tap on the three dots that you will see next to your post.

Open the status menuOpen the status menu

On the next page, you will see all the posts that are still active, that is, those that you published less than 24 hours ago. Next to the status thumbnail, you will find a counter that tells you how many people have viewed the content.

Number of views of each slideNumber of views of each slide

Additionally, it is possible to consult the complete list of users who have opened the status. Tap on it in the Status tab and tap on the eye icon. You will notice that the figure matches the one you saw in the previous count.

View list of contacts who have seen the statusesView list of contacts who have seen the statuses

Tapping on the icon will display the complete list of contacts who have opened the status.

Full list of viewsFull list of views

If you notice that no user has seen your statuses, make sure your privacy settings do not prevent it. Enter the Status tab menu and tap on Status privacy.

Status privacy settingsStatus privacy settings

Select the My contacts option.

Control view exceptionsControl view exceptions

Save the changes when you are done with the Done button. From that moment on, all your contacts will be able to see the statuses you upload to WhatsApp, regardless of whether they include a video, a photograph, or any other content. Remember that, depending on the privacy settings they have applied, other users will be able to view your statuses anonymously.