Instagram is no longer a simple photo-sharing application. It has become, over the years, an immense library of content of all kinds. For example, we can find spectacular recipes, tips to improve our physique, outdoor activities, incredible places, and much more. This social network holds so much information that it can be overwhelming.
However, through a simple feature, we can store the images and videos that we liked for later viewing. This is possible, thanks to the collections, which are practical customizable groups where to keep everything we want. Next, we will tell you how to create your first collection and how to store images in there.
To start, you must find a photo or video that you like and that you want to save. Once you have it, tap on the bookmark symbol on the right side of the screen.
Save the imageWhen you tap it, you will get the Saved message. Next to it, you will find the Save to collection button. Tap on it before it disappears.
Add to the collectionThen, set a name for the collection and tap on Done.
Give the collection a nameBy now, your collection list has been created. You can create as many as you want and, thus, organize content by theme or any other criteria. To access all your collections, go to your profile page and tap on the three horizontal lines in the right-hand corner of the screen.
Open the main menuThen, open the Saved section.
Saved section in the user menuFrom here, you can also create a new collection by tapping on the top right button.
Create a new collection from the Saved sectionFinally, you need to know that in All Posts, all those elements saved that were not classified within a specific collection are brought together.
All posts collectionWith this knowledge, creating collections will be a piece of cake.