One of the Instagram features that best helps us connect with our audience is a live stream (also called live). These are spontaneous interactions that let us connect directly with our followers in a more natural way.

At the end of the live stream, we may forget to save it because of the moment's emotion. But that does not mean the video is lost forever. In the next section, we are going to show you what to do to recover an Instagram live stream that you did not save.

How to recover an unsaved Instagram live stream

To be able to watch an Instagram live stream again, the first thing to do is to save it. The save or publish option appears right after the end of the broadcast. However, only the video is saved, without the comments or live interactions.

How to save Instagram lives to the fileHow to save Instagram lives to the file

When closing the live stream, the app will give us the option to discard it or save it in the archive. This last option lets us keep the video for 30 days to recover it or delete it definitively. To access the file, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Instagram profile.
  2. Tap the three stripes icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Tap on Your activity.
  4. Scroll down to the Recently Deleted option.
  5. Search for the video and open it.
  6. Tap the three dots icon in the lower right corner and tap on Restore.
Steps to restore an Instagram Live from the recently deleted content fileSteps to restore an Instagram Live from the recently deleted content file

However, this trick only works if we have saved the video in the archive and if we have this option enabled. In addition, it is important to note that after the indicated number of days, the file will be permanently deleted.